皇冠体育app公司(NEQSOL控股公司的一部分)很高兴地宣布与阿塞拜疆能源部签署了一份谅解备忘录,以在纳希切万开发一座400兆瓦的太阳能发电厂, 阿塞拜疆 and export of the generated electricity to Türkiye, 部分是为了当地使用. 这一合作标志着推进可持续能源解决方案和促进环境管理的重要里程碑.
The contract will make a significant contribution to increasing the power supply of Azerikimya, 聚乙烯工厂的经营者, 同时确保PROKON参与SOCAR-Uniper在Sumgayit化学综合设施内的运营的一般建筑工程.
图兰钻 & Engineering Company LLC (A KCA Deutag and SOCAR AQS Company), today announces that it has been awarded its first contract, which is with BP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Limited (“BP”).
SOCAR AQS commences drilling works on well 63 with the depth of 724 m located on the platform 10. It should be noted that well 63 will be drilled to Girmaki Deste-3 (QD-3) horizon.
PROKON承担了享有盛誉的SOCAR氨 & Urea Complex Project as the Main Construction Contractor, working with Samsung Engineering Co.有限公司.,本项目EPC承包商. The plant is located about 35 km north side of Baku city, aimed to utilize abundant natural gas as a feedstock and produce 1,200吨/天的氨和2,在单个络合物内尿素的000 MTPD.
全球能源解决方案(格伦索尔) entered into next project for BP 阿塞拜疆 to provide electrical & 全球能源解决方案公司(Glensol)为BP阿塞拜疆公司的下一个项目提供电气服务 & instrumentation services in the 阿塞拜疆-Georgia-土耳其(AGT)地区. -土耳其(AGT)地区.
PROKON宣布工程完成, SOCAR聚合物PP/HDPE(聚丙烯/高密度聚乙烯)项目空调设施的采购和施工(EPC)工作. The Conditioning Facility is located at the east site of the PP & 位于Sumgayit的HDPE工厂,设计用于存储最终产品,总建筑尺寸为84 x 176 m. 内部最小高度为6米.
IMS encompasses Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008, 环境al Management System ISO 14001:2004 and Occupational Health & 安全管理体系OHSAS 18001:2007.
诺贝尔石油服务公司, one of the leading diversified energy companies operating in 阿塞拜疆, is pleased to announce its participation in the Caspian Oil & 天然气展览会 2016, which will take place on 1-4 June 2016 at Baku Expo Center.
诺贝尔石油下游, a retail arm of the British-registered 诺贝尔石油服务公司 Ltd, is pleased to announce the opening of its second petrol station in Romania. The new unit, constructed in 3 months, is located on 154, Mangaliei blvd.,康斯坦察.
诺贝尔石油下游罗马尼亚公司很高兴地宣布其在罗马尼亚的第一个加油站开业. 全新的超现代诺贝尔石油加油站, 估计每天服务1200辆车, was officially launched in the northeastern city of Iaşi.
The opening ceremony was attended by the Vice-Mayor Daniel Matasaru, representatives of the local business community and Gustaf Nobel, 诺贝尔石油服务(英国)有限公司董事会成员,Ludvig Nobel的曾孙, one of the founders of the legendary BraNobel Oil company.
The Nobel Oil filling station is situated on the businest transport artery of the city, Bd. 尼古拉·奥尔加. Innovative station comprises of three dispensing units capable of servicing six vehicles at a time.
In line with 诺贝尔石油下游's corporate social responsibility principles, 该站的屋顶以一种创新的方式设计,允许它由光伏板组成, 从而满足电站自身的能源需求,并独立于当地配电网运行.
Nobel Oil filling stations have several other unique features. 这是罗马尼亚第一个提供外部支付终端(opt)的车站,允许客户使用支付卡和现金.
Nobel Oil has partnered with global market leader in the logistics, DHL, to provide express deliveries and courier services at its stations.
迈克尔绞, 诺贝尔石油服务(英国)有限公司首席执行官, 他强调,在罗马尼亚开设第一个加油站明显反映了诺贝尔石油服务公司的增长战略. 他说:“罗马尼亚下游部分的这个项目是我们的第一个此类项目,反映了公司多样化和寻求新市场和机会的愿望。. 我们相信这次冒险会成功, which will enhance Nobel Oil’s position as a dynamic and growing group of energy related businesses’.
约翰长, 诺贝尔石油下游罗马尼亚公司总经理表示:“这将是我第四次(全球第五次)进入罗马尼亚市场,也是第一次以全新的品牌进入罗马尼亚市场. That is why it is the most interesting and a pleasure to introduce Nobel Oil in Romania”.
丹尼尔Kearvell, 敦豪速递罗马尼亚公司总经理表示:“敦豪速递祝贺诺贝尔石油公司进入并扩大罗马尼亚市场, which is undoubtedly an important response to the growing demands of Romanian consumers. 同时, I am delighted that DHL and Nobel Oil have agreed this significant partnership, 通过它,客户将能够在罗马尼亚的整个诺贝尔设施网络中使用DHL快递服务. DHL Express has a wide network of partners across the country, 我们非常高兴能够为我们的客户提供另一种选择,通过诺贝尔石油公司的地点运送货物. Flexibility and convenience for our customers are two of our most important priorities, and this partnership is very important in ensuring DHL continue to lead the way in this area.”
诺贝尔石油下游 Romania plans to have a nationwide presence by 2018.
诺贝尔石油服务公司's Director of Corporate Human Resources, 法蒂玛殿下, 被评为“年度最佳人力资源经理”. 该奖项由《皇冠体育365app》杂志在其年度活动中颁发,旨在奖励最优秀的专业人士的成就, companies and strategies for human resource management.
“As a result we will build and develop 阿塞拜疆i companies with international quality, serving major international and local clients in the region. We look forward to creating further value in partnership with Denholm.”
The revamp and upgrade of the refinery for facilities to manage processing of 7.500万吨/年原油, 同时满足产品的数量和质量要求,以满足阿塞拜疆改造后的石化工厂和生产欧V质量的汽车运输燃料
Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management across 8 offshore platforms (ACG & bp公司运营的ShahDeniz油田
Tuzgolu Underground Gas Storage 钻井 Works include 40 caverns with total depth of 62.000米,1.每人550米